
Child Language Brokering: Checklist

Child Language Brokering: Checklist

Child Language Brokering: Best Practices for Settlement Practitioners

Child Language Brokering: Best Practices for Settlement Practitioners

Child Language Brokering: Settlement Practitioner's Toolkit

Child Language Brokering: Settlement Practitioner's Toolkit

Child Language Brokering Toolkit #2: Managing Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Child Language Brokering Toolkit #2: Managing Negative Thoughts and Feelings

Child Language Brokering Toolkit #1: Helpful and Unhelpful Ways

Child Language Brokering Toolkit #1: Helpful and Unhelpful Ways

University-Community Collaborations at The Immigrant Education Society

University-Community Collaborations at The Immigrant Education Society

This presentation is a general overview used by the Research and Program Development department to outline how we collaborate with university researchers, and what benefits we can gain from this collaboration.

CIES and Refugee Services

CIES and Refugee Services

This presentation was made during the Syrian Refugee Crisis Awareness Gala. It addresses several myths about refugees, facts about refugees in Calgary at the time, and CIES programming catered to Syrian refugees.‍

Reframing the Discourse: Refugee and Newcomer Settlement Programming in Calgary Canada

Reframing the Discourse: Refugee and Newcomer Settlement Programming in Calgary Canada

These are the slides to a presentation made during the event: “Keeping our door open: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Refugee Resettlement” in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The presentation focuses on the Gardens for Refugees and Other newcomers Welcomed (GROW) program in Calgary. It also discusses reframing the image of refugees and newcomers in the media.

Integration Through Agricultural Jobs: The Foundations Agriculture for Refugees and Migrants (FARM) Program and Its Impact on Canadian Society and Industry

Integration Through Agricultural Jobs: The Foundations Agriculture for Refugees and Migrants (FARM) Program and Its Impact on Canadian Society and Industry

This was a presentation on the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)-funded impact study of CIES’ Foundations in Agricultural-Based industries for Migrants (FARM) program offered by TIES from 2018 to 2019.

Refugee and Newcomers Emotional Wellness (ReNEW): Partnership for Best Practice

Refugee and Newcomers Emotional Wellness (ReNEW): Partnership for Best Practice

This presentation provides an overview of ways universities and non-profit organizations like TIES can partner and work together on research that can directly benefit the organization and its clients.

The Language Brokering Initiative: Proposal to the Calgary Foundation

The Language Brokering Initiative: Proposal to the Calgary Foundation

This presentation is a summary of our Language Brokering (LB) proposal to the Calgary Foundation (CF) and responds to questions previously posed by CF. Through the discussion, we provide an overview of the practice of LB, a quick review of what the current research says, and the opportunity to generate new knowledge and programming.

Varied settlement programming in Western Canada and settlement agencies’ responsiveness

Varied settlement programming in Western Canada and settlement agencies’ responsiveness

This presentation discusses how settlement agencies in Canada manage resources to address at least five perceived basic needs of newcomers. The presentation aims to provide a background on the challenges faced by agencies in Western Canada.

‍The Immigrant Education Society and Settlement Services in Calgary

‍The Immigrant Education Society and Settlement Services in Calgary

It provides an overview of TIES’ research on and services offered to newcomers in Calgary. It also discusses issues relating to newcomer migration, the evolving concept of ‘integration’ and the general public’s perceptions of newcomers and refugees.‍

Emotional Wellness for Newcomers

Emotional Wellness for Newcomers

The emotional wellness of newcomers is a specific issue linked to specific variables stemming from challenges faced by newcomers, their cultural background, etc. It needs a specific and „made to measure“ approach.

Foundations in Agricultural-Based Industries for Refugees and Migrants (FARM) Curriculum

Foundations in Agricultural-Based Industries for Refugees and Migrants (FARM) Curriculum


Newcomer Community Cookbook

Newcomer Community Cookbook

The idea of the Newcomer Community Cookbook (NCC) came into fruition from an initial project, Gardens by Refugees and Other Newcomers Welcome (GROW), granted by Calgary Foundation through the Neighbour Grants program.



This collection of presentations at conferences, partner organizations, university classes, and other locations are aimed at knowledge dissemination and raising awareness to better address client needs and improve existing services.



Our toolkits were developed to provide research-based approaches for addressing issues faced by immigrants, creating a resource for different stakeholders.



The publications produced by our team are aimed at knowledge dissemination, better addressing clients’ needs, and improving existing services.

Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources

Teaching resources that are designed to equip instructors with tools and materials to enhance newcomer student learning.

Newcomer Myths

Newcomer Myths

We address common myths about newcomers that often perpetuates misconceptions and stereotypes, using evidence drawn from empirical studies and academic sources.