Research Topic:

Skill Development

We construct and evaluate programs that reflect current workplace skills and employer needs in different industries such as agriculture or information technology.

Community-Based Research

Foundations in Agricultural-based Industries Impact Study
Foundations in Agricultural-based Industries Impact Study

Program Development

Foundations in Agricultural-Based Industries for Refugees and Migrants
Immigrant Coding Online for Development in Employment


Child Language Brokering: Settlement Practitioner's Toolkit
Child Language Brokering: Settlement Practitioner's Toolkit
Child Language Brokering Toolkit #1: Helpful and Unhelpful Ways
Child Language Brokering Toolkit #1: Helpful and Unhelpful Ways
Integration Through Agricultural Jobs: The Foundations Agriculture for Refugees and Migrants (FARM) Program and Its Impact on Canadian Society and Industry
Integration Through Agricultural Jobs: The Foundations Agriculture for Refugees and Migrants (FARM) Program and Its Impact on Canadian Society and Industry


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